Trying tokeep a smilewhen he sawthe realityof does not matter, what mattersistryingto provide the bestandwhenwhat youget does notfitinwithwhat isin want,simplybelievingthat Godwas showingsomething that isbestfor our lives..Thislifeis not alwayssweet,there arelots ofvariousflavorswe've been through..buthow longthiswill continue?do i have tokeepsmilingin front ofa fakemy friendsbut insidethere is actuallysomething thatalways makesmecry.. ** needs toknow,Iwill neverturn intolikethisif **does not changethat attitude..I neverask for anything, neverdemandedanythingfrom ***justunderstanding,concern andIappreciateit..
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