Rabu, 11 April 2012

Tugas softskil english bussines 2 >> Soal 15 Structure TOEFL

  1. Despite being basically arboreal in nature, koalas …. to inhabit a specific territory and range of some 30 square miles.

    b.which know
    c.are knowing
    d. are known

    Answer: D-are known
    Reason: kita harus mencari yang artinya "dikenal"... Nah, passive voicenya adalah "are known", karena koalas adalah subject jamak, sehingga "are". Tetapi, Verb harus ketiga. jadi "are known"...

  1. Sugar intake, particularly that of refined sugar, …. curtailed by most overweight people wishing to lessen their corpulence.

    a.must being
    b.which must
    c.must be

    must be.
    Reason: "curtailed" adalah kata verb ke 2, karena itu kita harus mencari: Verb ke 2 atau passive voice. Nah, kita harus memiloih yang "be", maka jawabannya adalah must be.
    "Must" harus diikuti olah verb pertama, tapi jika ditambahkan "be" maka menjadi passive voice.

3. In 1776, when the Declaration of Independence …, the United States became a new country.
(A) Singed                                                      (C) Was signed
(B) That signed                                            (D) That it signed
Answer : (C)
Peringkat pertama (paling tinggi frekuensinya) adalah penggunaan kata kerja (verb).
4. The union won benefits….
(A) themembers                                         (C) its members for
(B) for its members                                   (D) members for its
Answer : (B)
Peringkat berikut nya adalah urutan kata (word order).

5. In 1970 B.C….the most collection of early laws.
(A) then Hammurabi wrote                   (C) Hammurabi’s wrote
(B) Hammurabi wrote                              (D) Hammurabi, who wrote
Answer : (B)
Pokok kalimat dan predikat (subject+verb)

6. ….he got home last night is still a mystery to me.
(A) How                                                         (C) While
(B) Although                                                (D) Since
Answer : (A)
Kata yang mulai dengan “wb-” dan “bow”, tetapi tidak digunakan sebagai kata Tanya

7. New York is a major center….
(A) at bank                                                    (C) of banking
(B) of bank                                                     (D) to banking
Answer : (C)
Frasa preposisi (preposotional phrase)

8. Sleeping,resting,…. are the best ways to care for a cold.
(A) and that drinking fluids                    (C) which drank fluids
(B) and drinking fluids                              (D) and one drink fluids
Answer : (B)
Struktur parallel (parallel construction)

9.Ipressionist artists tended… imagination and light more important than faithful
reproduction of objects.
(A) considering                                           (C) consider to
(B) be consider                                            (D) to consider
Answer : (D)
Bentuk infinitive, grund, dan participle.

10. The greater…. increase in population, the harder it is for people to find adequate housing.
(A) of                                                              (C) the
(B) is the                                                        (D) is of the
Answer : (C)
Perbandingan (comparison).

11. ….animals can survive without oxygen.
(A) Plants can neither                              (C) Plants, neither
(B) Neither can plants                              (D) Neither plants
Answer : (D)
Kata penghubung (conjunction).
12. …. the ozone layer were destroyed, most living things would disappear from the Earth
in a few years.
(A) Besides                                                   (C) So
(B) If                                                                (D) For
Answer : (B)
Kalimat pengandaian (condional andcontrary tofact).

13. …. publich schools, private schools charge tuition.
(A) Do not like                                             (C) Dislike
(B) No likeness to                                       (D) Unlike
Answer : (D)
Kata “like” dan “unlike”.

14. ….of buying and selling occurs internationally.
(A) A great deal                                          (C) Much greater
(B) A great many                                        (D) Many
Answer : (A)
Benda yang dapat di hitung dan tak dapat dihitung (countable and non-countable).

15. No one was sure how many Americans suffer from chronic fague syndrome.
A                 B                       C                                                             D
Answer : (B)
Bentuk waktu kata kerja (verb tense). seharusnya adalah “is sure”.